It was snowing yesterday, so it may be a little early to declare this year's winter over, but I'm doing it. Spring has sprung! The air smells crisp and fresh, and there is green poking through every nook and cranny. We were out in the yard today, cleaning up the "landmines", or dog poop if you will, that were missed over the winter, measuring out the areas the raised beds are going to go, sweeping up the back patio, and swinging. There is so much to be done in the few weeks to come, and snow is not a part of those plans so it better stay gone.
I wanted an outdoor swing for the baby bird, but couldn't find anything I liked (I was worried about plastic & rubber swings getting really hot outside in the summer) that was affordable. I fell in love with a canvas swing from the Netherlands, but at $215 there was no way that was happening. I also couldn't bring myself to spend the $100 on the adorable wooden horse swing. Seriously, how cute is this? While searching for canvas swings I stumbled upon this tutorial. I bought some outdoor canvas on clearance for $7 a metre and picked up the rest of the supplies at the hardware store. It took maybe two hours to make, and Josh loves it! I was a little nervous about safety stuff, but all the hardware is weight bearing to almost 300 lbs, and I freshened up my Girl Guide knotting skills a bit and was good to go. Swing!
The seedlings are growing like crazy, but I may have dropped a few too many of those teeny tiny seeds in a few of the pots. Hopefully some thinning out will help. I cannot wait to move these babies to the Garden next month!

For the Pyrex lovers who still check out this wee blog once in a while, I've started a new project over at Lulu & Lolie. I wrote a post on identifying vintage milk glass dishes last week, and it got me thinking about creating visual references, so now there a reference for Milk Glass Markings, and I've also gotten started on a Pyrex Pattern Reference and a Pyrex Number Codes Reference (those number codes confused me so much when I first started collecting and joined the online groups). There are just a few kinks to work out and a few more wonderful people to thank for letting us include their photos. I cannot wait to add more to these.
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