1. this gorgeous mint dress
2. these delicious fruit/yogurt popsicles. perfect for these hot days!
3. this adorable pincushion pattern. I will definitely be making one of these.
4. antique lawn furniture, oh yes!
5. this one too. Come on craigslist, find me something!
6. beautiful city gardens I've been missing out on. I think Janet and I need to find this one next.
7. Bike rides.
8. English gardens. I just love how full they are.
9. beach trips!
10. pretty vintage pyrex.
sources: 1. Madam Macadam; 2. skinny taste; 3. Riley Blake Designs; 4. furni-ture; 5. Antiques Central; 6. Toronto Gardens; 7. Fuzzy Lizzie; 8. flickr; 9. beach comber; 10. kitchen reruns
I love the antique lawn furniture and the city park! Where is that? Gorgeous.
I really want to find some of that antique lawn furniture! I love it so much.
The park is somewhere in Toronto. I'm going to have to grab Janet one day and go find it. We've decided to explore Toronto parks this summer.
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