We ended the evening with homemade burritos (yum!) and some relaxing on the couch. Our usual is him watching sports while I "half watch" and do some sort of craft. This time it was working on the Pyrex cross stitch, which is very slowly growing. I'm still learning to appreciate the process in slow going projects.
There are some exciting (at least to me) goings on in the garden. We've had our first cucumbers, and the beef steak tomatoes are getting there. I have really been enjoying the experience of nurturing plants from seed to fruit. It makes me appreciate what is on our table so much more.
My mom and I had plans to visit Aberfoyle Market on Sunday (I LOVE antiquing with my mom), but our little incident put those plans on hold. Instead, we drove out to Stouffville (a little town nearby) to check out an antique store we've never been to. Unfortunately I didn't think to check the hours and they are closed on Mondays. Oops! Our trip wasn't a waste though. We drove past a 100 mile Farmer's Market on the way home and picked up some lovely veggies. Can you believe everything in this basket added up to less than $4?
I've been craving my grandmother's tomato soup, but this is normally something we make in the fall when tomatoes are nice and ripe and inexpensive! Even though it has been quite hot, we decided to turn these tomatoes into soup. We stopped by the market on the way home to pick up a couple of extra ingredients, most of which were on sale. This ended up being a lucky day after all!
This little taste of fall was just what I needed. I have a lot of trouble with summers as I really just don't enjoy them. Growing a garden has helped so much, as has taking up water sports like Kayaking, but it is still hard to appreciate these months sometimes. What do you do/look forward to in the summer?
While Lola napped after our morning walk, I whipped up a quick little project. I had seen a double strand lace headband in a shop not too long ago but passed it up over the $17 price tag. Regretting it, I tried to find it again but couldn't. I searched etsy, but couldn't find what I was looking for, so I decided to try it out myself.
I already had the supplies on hand, so it was as easy as sewing two lengths of lace together at the ends, and attaching ribbon to tie it underneath. The band I saw in the shop had an elastic instead of ties, but I have a funny shaped head and elastic headbands tend to fall off within 10 minutes. I love quick and easy projects!
I miss growing vegetables. Love the cross-stitch!
Thank you! It is such a slow going craft, but I've really been getting into it.
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