I really enjoy crafting for my animals. It makes me glad to be able to make something special for them that they use and favour. It's harder with the chinchillas because there are many limitations on what is safe for them to have. Polar Fleece is the one material, aside from wood, that I can use, but it is often hard to find cute patterns. I'm sure they don't actually care about what pattern is on the fleece, but if I use patterns I enjoy for myself, I want to do the same for them. On rare cases I find some cute fleece at my local fabric shop, like this polka dot pattern.

Last time I made them a fleece tube, Rory thought it was just for her. This time I made two! They both tend to favour the one on the left (maybe because it's infront of a hanging chew toy), but I do often find one girl in each tube.
This project is actually very simple to make. If you'd like to know how, leave your e-mail in the comments and I'll send you instructions.

Next - a matching hammock.
I swear those are the cutest little creatures! You make me want to adopt some and craft for them! It must be so rewarding to see them enjoying your creations!
they're such soft, chubby, fluffernutters.
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