01/03/10 - Day 3 of 365

Snowie and Lola keep warm by a heating vent, one of the favourite spots in this house, on a cold January day.
01/04/10 - Day 4 of 365
The winter semester begins.
01/05/10 - Day 5 of 365
A very snowy day. I had today off so I spent it shovelling driveways and playing in the snow with Lola.
01/06/10 - Day 6 of 365
The ornaments are put away. Some put theirs away by New Years, but in our family tradition we wait until January 6th.
01/07/10 - Day 7 of 365
Milo kitty asks for some belly rubs.
01/08/10 - Day 8 of 365 
I spent most of my day with this beautiful mama, who is one of my closest friends, and her girls. Love them!
01/09/10 - Day 9 of 365
The second smallest bowl in this set had been sitting in the office at my mom's work for weeks. Someone had donated it to the Christmas Charity, but they were only collecting clothing and food so they couldn't include it. The secretary had been complaining that she didn't want it or know what to do with it, so my mom asked if she could have it. She knew I collected Pyrex, but she didn't know that this was the one bowl I was missing from the Butterfly Gold Cinderella Bowl set. It's in excellent shape too. A perfect example of the saying "one's trash is another's treasure". I was so excited that I had to take a picture for my 365 set.
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