Friday, May 8, 2015

what we've been up to lately..

This little bird loves to be outside. LOVES. I love that he does, even if I don't love the soaring temperatures we've been getting. I am an early Spring/Fall kind of gal.

I've been wanting to create little play spaces for Josh in our yard. I have such fond memories of playing in the garden growing up, and especially of my grandmother's garden with all the little hideaways. Our yard is much smaller and more open than hers, but there is still potential.

There are no built in tree stumps to use as stages, no paths up to the rocky driveway, or passages through the English style flower beds, and there is only one "secret path" (underneath the raspberry bushes when they're in full bloom), but we are creating play spaces with hideaways to inspire that creative outdoor play. Next week our swing set arrives (I had dreams of built in slides and tunnels - have you seen some of the amazing spaces on pinterest? I've pinned a bunch on my outdoor play board. This is the stuff of dreams, right here- but our yard is completely flat). I dedicated what used to be my bean patch, to a play area. There are a few tree stumps I collected last Fall (with hopes of finding a huge one to put in the middle..I actually found one, but couldn't lift it myself so it didn't work out), I planted an assortment of flowers from one of those butterfly garden kits, and I ordered an arbor to go over top, with plans to plant climbing beans. I'd love to add some sort of water table on our patio too. 

Next year he may be old enough for his own garden plot where he can choose what to grow. I had so much fun growing my own garden as a kid. I hope he has many happy memories of outdoor play as he grows. There is so much to do and explore, and I'm so excited I get to experience it with him. Seeing it all through his eyes is wonderful. This mama thing? Pretty damn awesome.

3 comments: said...

Little pretty thing! He's wonderful. I've a daughter almost the same age and she doesn't stop making me happy and even happier each time. I love her with all my heart.

harada57 said...
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seocom said...

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