This was our first time visiting, and we were greeted with aisles upon aisles of wonderful antiques! I find stepping into places like this very overwhelming, my eyes having no idea where to go first. There are just so many things crammed into every corner of every shelf. That's treasure hunting for you!

I find every antique mall has its own unique feel. Most usually have a little bit of everything, but some cater more to rustic antiques, high brow antiques, or retro pieces. This place definitely had a retro feel to me. Everywhere I looked I was finding vintage suitcases, Coca Cola memorabilia, old hair dryers and curler sets, toys, linens, mid century furniture, and kitchenware. Of course there were booths dedicated to other types of antiques and re-production antiques as well.

The Pyrex pickings were slim, but I did find myself lucky and came away with the orange bowl to complete my Friendship Cinderella bowl set. The smallest bowl was one of my very first Pyrex finds, so this set was a long time coming. As silly as it is, I love the satisfaction of completing a set.
I also came away with a case full of old thread spools, a set of 4 mid-century dining chairs, and some more blue glass jars. Sadly, this cupboard didn't. I love it!
The Corning, NY trip? There's always next year, right?
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