As a bigger girl, I often have trouble finding clothes that I like that also fit right. A favourite clothing line of mine (where about 80% of my wardrobe comes from) that used to carry beyond a L recently cut out their XL and XXL outright. So this summer I've been wearing a couple old favourites, one new one, and have been disappointed in the offerings I've come across. I've always been intimidated by sewing clothing, well, aside from some ridiculous 'fat pants' I sewed up in high school. Oh, fat pants! For years I wore nothing but pants with legs so wide I could put one of me, waist and all, in one upside down leg. I was far from stylish in high school. But anyway, to the far away fabric store I went to search out the perfect fabric for a new sun dress.
I didn't find that fabric, but I did find some already gathered cotton fabric with an already finished bottom hem. You just wrap it around your body to measure and sew up a seam. Crazy! So I bought some since it was 1/2 off, and in about 5 minutes I made a summer dress that's flowy and cool, and
fits my bigger girl frame.

And with a cotton slip underneath, so my undies aren't on display to the world, a pair of sandals, and a light knit cardigan, it is the perfect summer dress. Soon..soon I will try making a 'real' dress.
Oh, that dress is soooooo cute! How did you make it?
I like your blog, by the way. I don't know how I found it, but it's lovely!
Thank you, that's so kind!
I actually found the fabric already gathered, so I just had to measure it around my body and sew one seam up the back. I couldn't believe how easy it was!
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