Right now I am looking forward to 2009, with its many new adventures and unknowns!
Enjoy the New Year, however you plan to spend it. I look forward to hearing about your 2009, and sharing bits of mine with you.
Slowly growing. Slowly.
And today, testing it out in the snow.
It was very rewarding to finally wear this scarf around my neck. I do have to say I'm not too happy with how the yarn knitted up though. It isn't too obvious from the photos, but it knitted into coloured sections of equal size. I was expecting it to be more random. I think I'm going to make a hat next!
I hope we make this into a yearly tradition. It was fun to cook up something new!
I'm glad they added a show closer to us, although the trek downtown would have been well worth it.
Just for fun, here's a little peek at the holiday decorating going on in our home this weekend.
The topper needs to be fixed, and the puppy needs to be trained to not steal ornaments! These are another old favourite. Tiny story books that open into pop-up star shaped books to hang on the Christmas tree. So sweet.
The stories are a little dumbed down because they need to fit in only a few lines on five little pages, but the illustrations and pop-ups are beautiful. I'm sure we had more of these, but I don't know what happened to them.
Then there are the new favourites. I added this Erzgebirge arch ornament this year. We usually add at least one each year, although that probably is not the smartest idea as our tree is already overcrowded as it is. I would love to eventually add an Erzgebirge pyramid. We could definitely find room for that!
Another new favourite. If you know me, you can imagine why!
I've been keeping an eye out for Holiday decorating posts in the blogs I frequent. I love getting a little peak into the traditions of others. Everyone has their own style and their own favourites.
I decided to line the smaller basket since I didn't bother with the larger one. I used a pink and white stripe cotton, although it really just looks white in the picture. It was a huge pain to get the lining to match up with the outer fabric, and to get the hand-sewn stitches to look half decent on both sides. I'm not sure I'd bother lining one of these again. I think that double sided fabric I love so much might be a good choice for next time.
I finished up another project earlier today. This one being a tote bag for my mom to use for the extra books and reports she lugs to school. She's a grade one teacher, and I wanted something fun that was still appropriate for work.
I used another corduroy fabric from good-ness. You would not believe how soft this fabric is! The big polka-dots add some fun while still being a bit subtle, and she just loves them.
The lining is made from some fabric I found at one of the Church Bazaars I went to earlier this month. It's a darker pink so it isn't too bright, but it adds some colour to it. The polka-dots are still my favourite part though!
It was definitely a busy day for crafting.