I should start off by making a confession. I am a roller coaster nerd. That's right. My boyfriend and I go on road trips to several different amusement parks, to ride as many roller coasters as we can. The thing about riding roller coasters all day is that having a lot of stuff with you is a huge inconvenience. We usually only bring things that will fit into our pockets, or if I am brave enough to admit it, a fanny pack. EEK.
I leave my Canon at home and take my little point and shoot with me, but even though my camera is small, most cases for point and shoots are too large to fit into a pocket without creating a giant bulge. I started carrying my camera without a case, but I was constantly worried it would get too banged up, especially when being thrown around on rides. After the search for a smaller case proved fruitless, I decided to make up my own.

If you would like to see the extent of our nerdiness, feel free to visit this set on my flickr account!
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