I have been hoping to get some crafting done on my break, inbetween homework breaks of course. When I saw
these ornaments by
The Sometimes Crafter, I knew they'd be on my list. Mine didn't turn out as pretty as hers, but it was a good first try with teeny tiny patchwork squares.

Unfortunately I did not leave enough room around the edges to finish it properly, but I think I'll just zig-zag stitch around to finish it off. My next try will hopefully be a little nicer!
Earlier that same day, my mom and I decided to pay a visit to some of our favourite Antique Markets. I haven't been since the summer months, so there was so much to take in. Aisles and aisles of Pyrex, oh my!

I did come away with some goodies, though I left wishing they would split up that black/white Gooseberry cinderella bowl set. I'm missing the #441.

Some new dots, golden tulip, friendship, mod kitchen, and golden poinsettias, and a fun day to top it off!
i would have a stroke if i saw that much pyrex in one place - it is a good thing i don't have a credit card. lol
just sew a border piece out of the patchwork around your project and you will have room to finish it out the way you planned. it is very cute - make sure you post the finished project.
That's a great idea! Thanks for the advice. I'll have to give that a try and post the finished results.
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