Sunday, May 20, 2012

Weekly Favourites..

1. This fun crochet blanket

2. This dreamy garden glider. It reminds me of my grandmother's garden and I hope to find one one day.

3. These incredible pink peonies! I hope mine hold wait a couple more weeks to open up - we're hoping to use them for our wedding.

4. Beach/cottage plans.

5. Spring picnics

6. This path through the raspberries in my garden

7. Ginger Cats. One day!

8. This pretty hair

9. Rachel Denbow's AMAZING basement closet. I love her style.

10. The inside of beautiful old elementary schools. Just look at those floors!

sources: 1. This Vintage Girl, 2. Rhapsody Attic, 3. unknown, 4. Coastal Living, 5. Vintage Vault, 6. me, 7. Toronto Cat Rescue, 8. Pinterest, 9. Smile and Wave, 10. me

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